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The Startup Haven Podcast

💬 Hosted discussion • 🎤 Video • 🌐 English • ⏳ 2022-03-17

Editor’s note: There is very little source material for this podcast

Description: The official podcast of Startup Haven Ventures.

Startup Haven is a membership organization for venture-scale startup founders, execs and investors.

Host: Bob Crimmins

Links: WebsiteX/Twitter • LinkedInYouTube

Example Episode Detail

Episode #9 Bobby Napiltonia, Serial Founder

Bobby Napiltonia⁠ has over 36 years of experience in the technology industry. He has helped shape and transform some of the most innovative and influential companies in the world. From creating the global standard for JSON and building the AppExchange and at Salesforce, to democratizing the telecommunications industry with Twilio and managing smart meters and infrastructure with eMeter, he has always been passionate about solving hard problems and creating value for customers and partners. 9 October 2024