The Founders Live Podcast


Hosts: Nick Hughes, Gary Malcolm

Description: Meet founders - including city winners - from our global ecosystem, hear their Whys, their visions, and their pitch tips.

Format: Interview

Medium: Audio


Example Episode Detail

Episode 242 - Vasco Magellan of Altar: Innovating in the Age of AI and Key Insights for Founders

In this Founders Live Conversations episode, Vasco Magellan of Altar discusses how founders can prepare for the constant mutating landscape of AI, trends and new paradigms, the evolution of the web, and many other exciting topics.

You will learn

  • What are the key trends in AI right now?

  • How can startups involve aspects of AI into their products and services?

  • What does the near term future involving AI look like?

  • What aspects of AI excite Vasco and his team?

  • What aspects of AI worry Vasco and his team?

  • What should startups be focused on with the AI landscape changing so rapidly?

  • Audience questions


In the Soup