Why Improving Mental Wellness Is a Full-Time Job - Behind the Scenes of Exploring Greatness: Season 1, Episode 17 - The Founders Live Podcast - Episode 272

Nick and Luis talk about:

  • The importance of mental health and wellness throughout the entrepreneurial journey

  • The opening scene, which finds Nick sitting on a rock overlooking a sunrise and ocean water. How did he get there? Why was he sitting there? And what was he thinking?

  • Nick being at the tail end of the tour (having gone through quite a bit himself over the 4+ months on the road), thinking about the importance of monitoring your state of mental wellness, and taking measures to improve it where you can

  • Why Nick felt it was important to place this topic within the tour and Season 1 of the show

  • 5 easy ways Founders can work to maintain and improve their mental wellness

  • All about the Energy Equation

Watch the entire episode:

Discovering the Secret to Mental Wellness


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Discovering the Secret to Mental Wellness - Exploring Greatness: Season 1, Episode 17